
The weather has finally started to turn chilly. A good way to keep warm is to get out into the garden and do some much needed weeding, of course, which is what we’ll soon be doing down at the Quay. We spotted several yellow fruits on the quince tree back in August, but a fleeting visit the other day revealed a lot more than we’d first thought – all looking rather fulsome and splendid!

As previously reported in August the crab apple tree is covered with fruit, so we should have some lovely colour in the Quay garden going into Autumn.

Ta dah!

Well, if we do say so ourselves, even a last minute Friday Tidy can achieve a lot. Our new ‘pollinator’ bed (previously a wildflower bed) had been cleared ready for planting – but all the rain, and now the sunshine, meant that when we went along today we had to clear it all again!

Once cleared we added in some fresh compost, and started planting up. First one in…!

So far, we have planted sedums, marigolds, pasque flowers, verbena bonariensus, wallflowers, cerinthe, nicotiana and more. We will add more plants later to fill the space and try to ensure colour, interest (and nectar) year round.

Even as we were planting, the pollinators were buzzing around.

A particular thank you to John, who came along at such short notice – we’d have struggled to get quite as much done without you!

Friday Tidy in March…

Join us at 10:00 on the first Friday of the month for our…

Friday Tidy!

dscf7963 Meet on 1 March at the Quay for some sorting out, fixing up and, of course, weeding. New faces always welcome – just come along ready for some gardening!

Afterwards, we’ll be having a cup of tea and preparing for Sudbury on Show on Saturday!

Friday Tidy in January…

A Happy New Year to One and All!

Join us at 10:00 on the first Friday of the month for our…

Friday Tidy!

dscf7963 Meet on 4 January at the Quay for some sorting out, fixing up and, of course, weeding. New faces always welcome – just come along ready for some gardening!