Friday Tidy in December

A change to our usual Friday Tidy…

We are waiting to take delivery of the trees for the Quay site,  so our next Friday Tidy will  be at the Quay Theatre on Friday 8th December between 10 – 12:00.

dscf7963 Meet for some sorting out, fixing up and, of course, weeding. New faces always welcome – just come along ready for some gardening!

Thursday, Friday, Happy Days!

If you want to get out and about, get some exercise, breathe in some fresh air, and all while doing something useful, there’s lots happening this week.

On Thursday, Dan and team will be down at Belle Vue Park from 10 – 12:30 as usual. On Friday, why not help us here at greenerSudbury do some tidying up (details to follow)? Then on Sunday join Sudbury in Bloom volunteers to plant up some grass verges. See Dan’s message (below) for more information about Sudbury in Bloom, and Belle Vue Park.

“Sudbury In Bloom have arranged some weekend family bulb planting sessions, and the next is on December 3rd from 10.30 to 12.30, at the Mill Hotel. We will have bulbs to donate to schools and organisations so please let me know if your group would like to participate.”

Dan writes, Daffodils are the perfect bulb…. they do really well and over time a patch grows and naturalises. Tulips on the other hand sometimes lose their vigour and become weak.

The yellow is just the right colour for Easter and often falls well with Mother’s Day. That’s why Grow Your Community recommends them in schools as an easy to grow and pick burst of colour. What better way to get over Winter than to be expectant of a Spring full of life.

It’s not too late to plant bulbs – as long as you can dig a hole 3-5 inches (not frozen) and the bulbs are not damaged or squidgy – often shops sell them at half price now.

Remember we’re at Belle Vue Park this Thursday 10am – 12.30 and there will be the usual activities tending the flower beds. Also some repotting of Money plants if you want a new houseplant. Happy as ever to see new faces.

Dan 0755 134 3 135

Grow Your Community Sudbury

Dear Friends and Supporters of Sudbury Community Gardening,

GROW YOUR COMMUNITY/ ACTIVLIVES would love your help.  Aviva has selected us to go forward for voting to win a share of the funding for our fantastic community growing project in Sudbury, which has already clocked more than 1,000 hours of volunteering in the town’s parks and green spaces, housing estates and street plots.

To vote for us, just follow the link below – just register, choose a password, verify the email and then vote. Sometimes the website from Aviva can be busy but it’s a quick way to make a huge difference to Sudbury. You can vote for us up to 10 times! Voting closes on 19 November, so please cast your vote asap! If we secure enough votes, we will win up to £10,000 to launch the second phase of this project next year.

You may also like to vote for the ActivLives minibus. Remember, you have a total of 10 votes so you can vote for one project or spread your votes between projects. If you have any problems, please let me know –

Please feel free to share the link with all your friends and contacts to help us win.

Thanks for your help!
Dan Wheals

Dan ActivLives <>
Grow your Community in Sudbury Co-ordinator

Posted by greenerSudbury on behalf of Grow Your Community Sudbury.